External Scholarship Opportunities
Alabama Technology Foundation
The Alabama Technology Foundation is looking for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors and grads that are enrolled in an Alabama university or community college and are studying for any type of STEM degree.
It doesn't matter what level you're seeking (Associate, BS, BSBA, Grad or Doctorate) we want you to be a part of our team!
Students who register with the ATF will have the opportunity to be seen by hundreds
of sponsors throughout Alabama. REGISTRATION IS FREE!
Register here!
Alabama Technology Foundation seeking Student Ambassadors
The Alabama Technology Foundation is giving away $1000 Scholarships to two (2) Student Ambassadors who recruit the most students from their college or university. They are also giving away $1000 to four (4) Students who register with ATF.
Registration for a chance to win these scholarships ends on September 2. The Scholarships
will be presented at the Alabama Business Technology Conference on September 23. Winners
will be contacted prior to the event.
Register here!
ASIST Scholarship
The Executive Women International Adult Students in Scholastic Transition (ASIST) Scholarship Program for the benefit of non-traditional students is currently accepting applications. Application Deadline: Monday, March 25, 2024 at 5:00 pm.
EWI of Birmingham will award 3 scholarships totaling $7500
The ASIST Scholarship is a non-discriminatory, educational scholarship program for
the benefit of nontraditional students pursuing an associates, bachelor or master’s
degree, or a technical/professional certificate. These include persons who are:
- Past high school age and who are entering a college, university, or trade school and/or the workforce for the first time
- Non-traditional students already enrolled in a college, university, or trade school program
- Re-training due to changes in the workplace
Cullman Electric Cooperative Scholarship
Helping today’s students achieve their academic goals is a great investment in the future. Cullman Electric Cooperative’s Scholarship Program provides $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors in our service area who are dedicated to making a difference in the world around them.
The application must be completed and turned in to Cullman EC along with official
transcripts, activity list, essay and recommendation letters by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 23, 2024.
Complete the application
Linly Heflin Scholarships
Application will be available online beginning October 1, 2023 and can be accessed from www.linlyheflin.org. The application and supporting documentation, including transcripts, letters of recommendation, and income verification, must be completed by the January 10, 2024 deadline.
Applicants must have significant economic need and sound academic records, and must be Alabama residents and U.S. citizens. A select group of applicants will be interviewed in March, and recipients will be chosen in April. Policy details are available on the Linly Heflin website.
Birmingham Black Nurses Association (BBNA)
The Birmingham Black Nurses Association (BBNA) offers scholarships to nursing students to support their academic journeys and promote diversity in the healthcare field. As an organization dedicated to the advancement of Black nurses, BBNA provides financial assistance to students pursuing nursing degrees. To learn more about the scholarship opportunities, eligibility criteria, and application details, visit their official website at http://birminghambna.org/.
Completing the Dream Scholarships
The Sallie Mae Fund, in partnership with Thurgood Marshall College Fund, is again providing up to 260 Completing the Dream Scholarships to help students from underserved communities complete their higher education. Open now; applications will be accepted until all scholarship funds are awarded or on June 28, 2024.
Eligible students must be on track to complete their program during the academic year 2023-2024 at a two-or four-year college, career training, and other post-secondary education programs and maintain good academic standing.
For more details and a link to the application, visit Completing the Dream Scholarship Program | The Sallie Mae Fund.
View the Scholarship Information Flyer.
ECE Works | T.E.A.C.H. | Leadership in Childcare Scholarships
One of ADECE’s goals is to build a workforce that is diverse, professionalized, well-trained, and ready to meet the demand for high quality early care and education programs and services.
- ECE-Works Alabama is an ADECE initiative to help grow Alabama’s ECE workforce.
- Preschool Development Grant (B-5) funds are currently available to provide financial assistance to help offset the cost of ECE credentialing.
For more details and a link to the application, view the ECE Works Flyer.
T.E.A.C.H. Application Leadership in Child Care Scholarship ECE Works Application
Financial Aid and Resources for Native Americans
Apply and view the eligibility requirements at http://studentaid.gov.
Government Scholarships:
• Bureau of Indian Education scholarships—www.bie.edu/ParentsStudents/Grants/index.htm
• Morris K. Udall Scholarship Program—udall.gov
• Indian Health Service Scholarship Program—www.ihs.gov/scholarship/index.cfm
• Scholarship for Service program—www.sfs.opm.gov
• NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program—www.training.nih.gov/programs/ugsp
• Harry S. Truman Scholarship—www.truman.gov
• Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship—www.iie.org/en/Programs/Gilman-Scholarship-Program
Other Education Resources that Might Interest You:
• U.S. Department of Education Office of Indian Education— www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oese/oie/index.html
• Resources for tribal college students—students.aihec.org/Pages/Students_Home.aspx
• American Indian College Fund—www.collegefund.org
• American Indian Graduate Center—www.aigcs.org
• American Indian Education Foundation—www.aiefprograms.org
• National Indian Education Association—www.niea.org
• American Indian Science and Engineering Society—www.aises.org
• Tribal Education Departments National Assembly—www.tedna.org
Department of Labor Scholarships
Apply and view the eligibility requirements at http://www.careeronestop.org.
Foster Care to Success
Apply and view the eligibility requirements at http://www.fc2sprograms.org.
AAMA Scholarship
The AAMA and the Alabama Community College System are teaming up to help Alabamians interested in pursuing a technical education certificate or associate degree in preparation for a career related to the automotive manufacturing industry.
Must be a resident of Alabama, High School Senior or College Freshman, Must have a 2.5 overall GPA, Plans to pursue an automotive manufacturing related career in Alabama, Applicants must have a declared major in one of the approved scholarship related programs... (read more!)
Apply and view the eligibility requirements at http://dreamitdoitalabama.com.
Oneonta Achievement Scholarship
The City of Oneonta is proud to announce that we have established an endowed scholarship with Wallace State Community College + Wallace State Oneonta. Education is a cornerstone of this amazing community and we want to make sure our residents have the opportunity to achieve their academic goals.
One, $1,000 scholarship will be awarded per year to an Oneonta resident. To qualify, you must live in the Oneonta City limits, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and write a 500 word essay on "Why Education is Important in Oneonta".
To apply, Please visit http://www.wsccfuturefoundation.org/scholarships and select the "Oneonta Achievement Scholarship" from the available scholarship list.
Application deadline is March 3, 2023.
Women in Auto Care
The Women in Auto Care scholarship program continues to grow. The group’s scholarship funding began with $2,000 back in 2004 and has now expanded to $100,000 annually. Since 2004, Women in Auto Care has given $450K in scholarships.
In 2021, 53 women were awarded more than $120,000 in cash scholarships as well as 15 tool kit scholarships worth over $51,000 thanks to our partnership with NAPA Auto Parts. We are hoping to continue to grow these numbers in 2022 and beyond!
Scholarship recipients are selected & notified of award by representatives from Women in Auto Care.
Apply and view the eligibility requirements at http://automotivescholarships.com/scholarships/women-in-auto-care.
Horatio Alger Association Scholarship
Since 1984, Horatio Alger Association Members and Friends have funded need-based college scholarships for low-income youth to pursue their dreams through higher education. So far the Association has awarded more than $193 million to approximately 27,000 students.
The Career & Technical Scholarship Program is funded through the generosity of Horatio Alger Association Members, Jim F. Dicke II and Dennis Washington. Scholarships are awarded to students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their lives who wish to pursue a career or technical education at an accredited non-profit post-secondary institution in the United States.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Have completed high school (or earned a high school equivalency credential)
- Have at least half of your program remaining, with a graduation date no earlier than May 2023.
- Cannot be taking pre-requisite courses and must be enrolled in your program
- Must be enrolled full-time by Fall 2022 to be eligible.
- Exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a career or technical program (up to 2 years) at an accredited non-profit post-secondary institution in the United States
- Demonstrated critical financial need (must be eligible to receive the Federal Pell grant as determined by completion of the FAFSA)
- Demonstrated perseverance in overcoming adversity
- Be under the age of 30
- Be a United States citizen
Through its many scholarship programs, the Association supports students pursuing career and technical certificates and degrees, bachelor’s degrees, and graduate studies.
Leadership in Child Care Scholarships
A full-tuition scholarship that grants current childcare professionals the opportunity to obtain certifications and degrees to best care for Alabama’s children is now available year-round.
The Leadership in Child Care Scholarship, which covers students’ tuition and a number of fees required to pursue child development credentials is now available in the fall, spring, and summer semesters at the state’s participating community colleges and Athens State University.
Qualified students must be currently employed at a childcare center or family and group home, and must be seeking one of the following certifications or degrees:
- Child Development Associate (CDA)
- Short-term certificate, certificate, or Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Child Development/Early Care and Education Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Education – Early Childhood Education Major
- Bachelor of Science in Education – Technical Education: Early Instructor
“Those who work with young children have a special calling and we’re thrilled that this scholarship program has helped so many students earn the credentials they need to better care for Alabama’s children,” said Virginia Frazer, Program Assistant for the Leadership in Child Care Scholarship. “Expanding this scholarship to the summer semester will allow even more childcare providers the opportunity and flexibility to apply and complete their course of study in early childhood development.”
The scholarships originated in 1999 and are made available through funding from the Department of Human Resources.
For additional information, the list of participating colleges, and the Leadership in Child Care Scholarship application, visit: www.accs.edu/childcare.
Lockheed Martin Scholarships
Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship
Lockheed Martin’s STEM Scholarship program awards up to 200 renewable $10,000 scholarships to students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in engineering, computer science, math, and physics fields! We’re looking for passionate students who demonstrate financial need and come from an underrepresented group or underserved community. Eligible students must be U.S. citizens, and seniors in high school or undergraduate college students (freshmen, sophomores, or juniors). To learn more and apply, visit lockheedmartin.com/scholarship. The application deadline is April 1, 2022.
Lockheed Martin Vocational Scholarship
Lockheed Martin’s Vocational Scholarship program is awarding $5,000 to up to 150 students! We’re looking for students of all ages who are preparing for careers in technology, engineering, and advanced manufacturing at a U.S. accredited community or technical college. Eligible students must be U.S. citizens pursuing an associate degree, credit-bearing certificate, or industry-recognized credential. To learn more and apply, visit lockheedmartin.com/vocational. The application deadline is April 1, 2022.
Other Scholarship Resources
These scholarships are not offered through Wallace State, Future Foundation or Alumni. Private donors send scholarship information from their companies and businesses for any students who meet their criteria and are interested in applying. These scholarship resources are updated regularly so check back often!
STUDENTS: Students should never pay to apply for a scholarship. Avoid scholarship guarantees. Never provide any personal information to apply for a scholarship (bank account information, credit card numbers, etc.). Students may visit http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0082-scholarship-and-financial-aid-scams to learn how to avoid scholarship scams and other free scholarship information.
Should you have any questions please contact:
Financial Aid
(256) 352-8182
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